Recently I received an email from a relative of John L(arkin) Robb, 2nd Lt. and bombardier on the Pistol Pakin Mamma.
I'm always pleased to receive additional information on the crew, and now especially thrilled to have a fifth family member on board.
At this time I'm patiently waiting to hear back from the relative so that maybe she'll give me permission to divulge her identity and possibly share her family photos and stories too. She was kind enough to share this interesting advertisement from WWII illustrating the use of "Dye markers". These are the same type of dye markers which our fellows would have used if they'd had the chance and the same which search planes would drop to mark an area of interest.
I'm quite sure adds such as this gave many a worrying parent some added peace of mind and helped to keep-up the morale back on the home-front.

This blog is primarily designed to be an information resource for the families of the crew who flew aboard the "Pistol Pakin Mamma". Intended to "Honor our family members who answered and honored their call of duty" aboard B-24J, Serial Number 42-72989; a plane of the 7th Air Force / Bomb Group 30 / Bomb Squadron 38.... September 11th 1944, 9 of her 10 man crew were lost in the Pacific during a bombing run over Marcus Isl. from Saipan.... All "clean" comments are welcome and suggested.