
"Pistol Pakin Mamma"

"Pistol Pakin Mamma"
Contributor - Alan Griffith, B24 best web

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Pistol Pakin Mamma on film

Thanks to G.I. JILL at for her upload of Return-Of-The-First-Saipan-Mission.  This film shows the front of Chambermaid at 2:03  the Pistol Pakin Mamma at 2:05.

Music: War of the Nations - 

Film from August 10, 1944, Saipan Island.

August 10, 1944------Just got back from our 18th mission.  Our target was Iwo Jima in the Bonin Islands.  We caught the place by surprise because we were the first land based bombers to bomb the island.  We didn't have much trouble with the fighters that were up but we did receive two flak hits.  They were both small and didn't do much damage.  One was in our bombardier's compartment and the other was under our No. 1 engine.  We expect more trouble the next time we hit the island because in the future they'll have the rest of their fighters in the air and they have plenty of them.

Rene Brabender S/Sgt.,
Nose gunner, 7th AAF, 30th BG / 38th BS
Pistol Pakin Mamma

 The photo below is of "Little Joe" of the 392 BS / 30 BG, 7th AAF.  They are the first plane shown with the triangle tail markings of the 392 BS (men on top of plane).

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