"Perchance he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows
not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better
than I am, as that they who are about me, and see my state, may have
caused it to toll for me, and I know not that."
John Donne
When one dies, we all die a little. This isn't as bleak as it might
sound, as the counterpoint would be that there is some part of the
living in the dead and that we continue a form of life after death.
And so with this I continue to add to the story of the dead by the contributions of the living, so that the dead will be remembered.
This will all make sense in time as I build this "family tree" of correlations. As I've already begun, I'm going to continue. By adding not only information provided by crew families pertinent the Pistol Pakin Mamma, but also, additional stories and information provided by the family of other crews who were comrades of the Pistol Pakin Mamma [crew]. As a friend of mine told me after the death of my father: You will never be forgotten so long as there are people left to remember you.
The game is afoot.

This blog is primarily designed to be an information resource for the families of the crew who flew aboard the "Pistol Pakin Mamma". Intended to "Honor our family members who answered and honored their call of duty" aboard B-24J, Serial Number 42-72989; a plane of the 7th Air Force / Bomb Group 30 / Bomb Squadron 38.... September 11th 1944, 9 of her 10 man crew were lost in the Pacific during a bombing run over Marcus Isl. from Saipan.... All "clean" comments are welcome and suggested.
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